Geraldines P. Moran

Founded 1886

Co. Dublin

Club Constitution 2024 - FOXROCK GERALDINES GFC

Club Constitution

In these Articles: 

“The G.A.A.” means the National Governing Organisation for the preservation and promotion of Gaelic Games and pastimes, known as the Gaelic Athletic Association. 

“The Club” means the Club as set out in Article 2 hereof.

 “The Official Guide” means the Official Guide of the G.A.A. 

“Executive Committee” means Officers and ordinary Committee Members together. 

“Secretary” means the Secretary for the time being, or any person appointed to perform the duties of the Secretary of the Club.

“Real Property” means the property of the Club of an immovable nature, comprising any Playing Pitches, Grounds or Buildings, whether of Leasehold or Freehold tenure, with all Fixtures or Fittings attached thereto and used therewith. 

“Personal Property” means the property of the Club of a movable nature, comprising all Playing or Sporting equipment of the Club, as well as all Stock in Trade and Money or other Assets of the Club not already classified as fixtures or fittings on “Real Property”, as heretofore defined. 

Words importing the singular number only, include the plural number and vice verse, and words importing the masculine gender only, also include the feminine and vice versa. 


2. The official Name of the Club shall be 

AN CUMANN LÚTHCHLEAS GAEL      Carraig an tSionnaigh Gearaltaigh Pádraig Ó Moráin

the English version of which shall be     Foxrock Geraldines Patrick Moran G.A.A. Club. 


3.1       The Objects of the Club shall be the promotion of the aims of the G.A.A., as outlined in the Official Guide. 

3.2       The Membership, Income and Property of the Club shall be dedicated to and applied solely towards the promotion of these objects. 



4. The Club Colours shall be______Black & Amber__________ 



5.1       There shall be three types of Membership of the Club: 

5.1.1     FULL MEMBERSHIP may be granted to persons Over 18 years (i.e. shall have celebrated their 18th birthday prior to January 1st of the Membership Year) who subscribe to and undertake to further the aims and objectives of the Club and the G.A.A. Honorary Membership may be granted to persons Over 18 years, as defined above, who have rendered exceptional service to the Club or the games or activities of the G.A.A. An Honorary Member shall have the rights of a Full Member, but shall be exempt from paying the Club’s Annual Membership Fee. 

5.1.2     YOUTH MEMBERSHIP may be granted to persons Under 18 and Over 9 years (i.e. shall celebrate their 18th birthday on January 1st of the Membership Year or on a later date and shall have celebrated their 9th birthday prior to January 1st of the Membership Year) who subscribe to and undertake to further the aims and objectives of the Club and the G.A.A. 

(Notes - Child Membership of the Association is for children Under 9 years (i.e. shall celebrate their 9th birthday on January 1st of the Membership Year or on a later date) On expiration of a Child Membership of the Association, a person may apply for Youth Membership of the Association only through a Club for which he is eligible to play.) 


5.1.3     SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP may be granted to persons Over 18 years, as defined above, who subscribe to and undertake to further the aims and objectives of the Club and the G.A.A., but who do not seek full voting rights and rights to take part in the administrative affairs of the Club or the G.A.A. 


5.2       Full Members (including Honorary Members) and Youth Members of the Club will also become Members of the G.A.A. 


5.3       Once granted, Full Membership of the Club and the G.A.A. shall continue for life, and Youth Membership shall continue to the end of the year in which the Members celebrates his eighteenth birthday, at which time his next membership payment will automatically be as a Full Member, unless in either case the member has been expelled or his resignation in writing has been accepted, in accordance with this Constitution and Rules or the Official Guide. 


5.4       The rights of any member of the Club shall be conditional upon the member complying with the provisions of this Constitution and the Official Guide, including payment of any annual membership fee and levies. 


5.5       Such rights may be withheld, restricted or suspended in accordance with this Constitution and the Official Guide. 


5.6       An application for Full or Social Membership must be made in the manner prescribed by Central Council and signed by the applicant. The application request must be submitted to the Club Secretary. 


5.7       An application for Youth Membership must be made in the manner prescribed by Central Council and signed by the applicant and one of his parents/guardians. The prescribed electronic Application Form may be completed by one of the Applicant’s parents or Guardians and submitted to the Club Secretary, complete with accompanying electronic payment for the prescribed fee. 


5.8       An application for Child Membership must be made on the Prescribed Form and signed by the applicant and one of his parents/guardians. Alternatively, a prescribed electronic Application Form may be completed by one of the Applicant’s parents or Guardians and submitted to the Club Secretary, complete with accompanying electronic payment for the prescribed fee. 


5.9       Applications for Full Membership shall be brought by the Club Secretary to a meeting(s) of the Club Executive for approval. Applications for membership shall be approved by a simple majority of the Executive Committee. In accordance with Rule 2.1(b) of the Official Guide, membership of the Association shall only be granted by a club, to persons who subscribe to and undertake to further the aims and objectives of the Gaelic Athletic Association, as stated in the Official Guide. A list, in alphabetical order, of the names and addresses of all club members shall be retained by the Club Secretary and/or kept safely on the club premises. Only a full member who has satisfied the condition of Rule 4.1 of the Official Guide may be nominated for or elected to any Elective Office referred to in the Official Guide. 5.9.1 Persons shall not be admitted to any of the privileges of Membership until after their election by the procedures stated in this Article. 


5.10      If and when the Application for Membership has been accepted by the Executive Committee, the new Member’s particulars shall be submitted by the Club Registrar to the Central Council, by the process of Electronic Registration, for Registration and allocation of a personal membership number.



5.11.1   The Executive Committee shall have the power to investigate and process matters relating to alleged breaches of this Constitution or the Official Guide by Club members in the same manner as a Competitions Control Committee or a Management Committee in Chapter 7 of the Official Guide. It shall follow the procedures set out in Rule 7.3 of the Official Guide. Where a Defending Party seeks a Hearing, it shall be provided by the County Hearings Committee. There shall be no appeal against a decision of Hearings Committee in relation to Disciplinary Action initiated by the Executive Committee. 


5.11.2   A penalty imposed by the Executive Committee applies within the Club only. Where the Executive Committee decides to initiate Disciplinary Action and to propose a penalty which would apply outside of the Club, the matter shall be transferred to the County Management Committee or the County Competitions Control Committee, as appropriate, for processing. 



6.1       The Annual Subscription to be paid by members of the Club shall be determined by the Executive Committee and ratified at the Annual General Meeting. 


6.2       The determined Annual Subscription shall be payable on election and thereafter annually, in advance of the date and in the manner decided by the Executive Committee. The date set shall be a date prior to March 31st each year. 



7.1       The business and affairs of the Club shall be under the management of an Executive Committee, and it shall be the controlling body of the Club. 


7.2       The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Registrar, Officer for Irish Language and Culture, Public Relations Officer, Children’s Officer, Coaching Officer, one Players’ Representative, and at least five, but not more than ten other Full Members. 


7.3       Nominations to serve on the Executive Committee shall be by any two Full Members (which may include the nominee) whose membership fees are paid up to date in accordance with Rule 6.2 and who are not suspended or disqualified under this Constitution and Rules or the Official Guide. 

7.4       The Executive Committee, shall be elected by the Full Members present, entitled to vote and voting at the Annual General Meeting. Exceptions: The Children’s Officer, Coaching Officer and the Officer for Irish Language and Culture, and the Players’ Representative, who shall have participated as a player with the Club within the previous 48 weeks, shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting on the recommendation of the outgoing Executive Committee. 


7.4.1     The Players’ Representative shall be selected by the players prior to a date appointed by the Executive Committee. In default of such a selection, the Executive Committee shall select the Players’ Representative for recommendation to the Annual General Meeting. 


7.5       Only Full Members, whose Membership Fees are paid up to date in accordance with Article 6.2 and who are not suspended or disqualified under this Constitution or Rules of the Official Guide, shall be eligible for election to the Executive Committee. 


7.6       The outgoing Executive Committee shall conduct the Annual General Meeting. 


7.7       The Executive Committee shall hold office until the conclusion of the following Annual General Meeting. 


7.8       The Executive Committee shall meet at least once each quarter, and four members present shall constitute a quorum at a meeting of the Executive Committee. 


7.9       The Chairperson, when present, shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee; in his absence, the Vice Chairperson shall preside. 


7.10      If both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson are absent, the Committee shall appoint a member present to preside at the Meeting. 


7.11      The Secretary shall record the Minutes of each Meeting. If the Secretary is absent, the Committee shall appoint a member present to record the Minutes. 


7.12      The Minutes shall specify the date of the Meeting, those present, and a brief account of the Meeting, and shall be read to the next Meeting. 


7.13      Such Minutes, if agreed as being accurate or having been appropriately amended, shall be signed by the Chairperson and Secretary, having been first proposed, seconded and adopted. 


7.14      The Executive Committee shall have the sole right to appoint Sub-Committees and Managers/Coaches/Selectors of teams as required. 


7.15      The Executive Committee shall define the duties of such Sub Committees, and retain control in all matters and activities which it considers of importance to the general welfare of the Club, including the disposal of any funds in the hands of such Sub Committees. 


7.16      The Executive Committee shall have power to nominate the Chairperson of such Sub Committees. 


7.17      The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer of the Executive Committee shall be ex- officio members of all Sub Committees. 


7.18      The Executive Committee shall have power from time to time to make, alter and repeal all such Regulations as they deem necessary, expedient or convenient for the proper conduct and management of the Club, and in particular, but not exclusively, they may by such Regulations set out: 

(a) The terms and conditions upon which guests, children of members of the Club and visitors shall be permitted to use the premises and property of the Club; 

(b) The times of opening and closing the Pavilion Grounds and Premises of the Club, or any part thereof; 

(c) The conduct of members of the Club in relation to one another; 

(d) The setting aside of the whole or any part or parts of the Club’s premises for any particular time or times, or for any particular purpose or purposes subject to the consent of Central Council;

(e) And generally all such matters as are commonly the subject matter of this Constitution. 


7.19      Motions to County Convention shall be submitted as per Rule 3.14 of the Official Guide. 


7.20      The Executive Committee shall adopt such means as they deem sufficient, to bring to the notice of members of the Club all such Regulations and all alterations and repeals. 


7.21      All such Regulations so long as they shall be in force, shall be binding upon all members of the Club, provided nevertheless that no Regulations shall be inconsistent with or shall affect or repeal anything contained in this Constitution and Rules Official Guide, and that any Regulations may be set aside by a special resolution of a General Meeting of the Club. 


7.22      Each Full Member shall have the right to be heard by the Executive Committee upon any complaint or representation sent by him, in writing, to the Secretary. 


7.23      A Special meeting of the Executive Committee may be called: 

(a) by the Secretary or 

(b) by the Secretary, for a date not more than seven days from the date of the receipt by him of a requisition duly signed by four members of the Executive Committee. 

(c) Such requisition shall set out the purpose for which the special meeting is required. 


7.24      Any Member of the Executive Committee who shall have absented himself from three consecutive meetings, without reasonable explanation, shall be deemed to have resigned from the Executive Committee. 


7.25      Should any Member of the Executive Committee resign, be deemed to have resigned, or his position otherwise lapse, the remaining members of the Executive Committee shall, at their discretion, have the power to fill the vacancy, by co-opting a replacement from the body of the Full Membership. 


7.26      The service of any Member so co-opted on to the Executive Committee shall not be reckoned in calculating the length of service such Member, if subsequently elected to serve on the Executive Committee. 



8.1       The Club shall in each year hold a general meeting as its Annual General Meeting, in addition to any other General Meetings in that year, and shall specify the meeting as such in the notice calling it. 

8.2       All General Meetings, other than Annual General Meetings, shall be called Special General Meetings. 


8.3       An Annual General Meeting shall be held at such time as shall be decided upon by the Executive Committee. The Annual General Meeting shall not be held later than 30th November without the prior approval of the County Committee. 


8.4       The following business shall be transacted at the Annual General Meeting: 

(a) Adoption of Standing Orders. 

(b) Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting. 

(c) Consideration of the Annual Report submitted by the Secretary. 

(d) Consideration of the Financial Statements including the Report of the Accountant(s) or Auditor(s). 

(e) The Chairperson’s Address.

(f) Election of Officers and Members of the Executive Committee. 

(g) Notices of Motion.

            (h) Other Business 

Note: “Other Business” does not include the appointment of Managers/Coaches/Selectors of teams which is the business of the Executive Committee of the Club. 


8.5       The Annual General meeting of the Club shall be called in the following manner: 


8.5.1     The Executive Committee shall decide upon a date, time and place for the meeting, allowing adequate time to meet the time limits set out hereunder. 


8.5.2     Once the date of the Annual General Meeting has been fixed, the Secretary shall give at least twenty-one days notice in writing, electronically and/or otherwise, to the members of such date, at the same time inviting nominations for election to the Executive Committee for the following year and motions for consideration at the Annual General meeting, also specifying that such nominations and motions shall be received by the Secretary by a date not less than fourteen days prior to the date fixed for the meeting. 


8.5.3     The Secretary shall then, on or after the date specified for return to the secretary of such Nominations and Motions, but so as to give the members seven days clear notice before the meeting, circulate, electronically and/or otherwise, to the members the following documentation: 

(a) Copy of the Agenda for the meeting. 

(b) Copy of the Annual Report of the Secretary. 

(c) Copy of the Financial Statements, including the Report of the Accountant(s) or Auditor(s) 

(d) Details of the Nominations for election to the Executive Committee. 

(e) Copies of any motions for consideration at the meeting. 


8.6       In the event of the number of Nominees for any particular Executive Committee position being equal to or less than the number of positions to be filled, such Nominees shall be declared elected, and any positions left unfilled, due to the lack of Nominees or Nominees withdrawing, shall be filled by the new Executive Committee, as soon as practical after the Annual General Meeting. 


8.7       A Special General Meeting may be called by the Executive Committee at any time, provided ten days clear notice, in writing, shall be given to the members, specifying the purpose of such Special General Meeting, 


8.8       The Executive Committee shall call a Special General Meeting for a date not more than twenty one days from the receipt by the Executive Committee of a requisition, in writing, signed by twelve members of the Club, and ten clear days notice, in writing, shall be given to the Members. 


8.8.1     Such Requisitions by members of the Club shall set out the purpose for which the Special General Meeting is required, and shall be lodged with the Secretary. 


8.8.2     If the Special General Meeting is not called for a date within the twenty one days stipulated, then the Requisitoners may themselves convene a Special General Meeting If requested, the County Secretary shall assist the Requisitioners in convening the Special General Meeting. 


8.9       No other business, outside that specified in the Notice, shall be transacted at a Special General Meeting.


8.10      No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum of members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. Save as herein otherwise provided, fifteen per cent of Full Members eligible to vote shall be a quorum at a General Meeting, subject to a minimum of 15 members being present. 


8.11      If within half an hour after the time appointed for a General Meeting, a quorum of members is not present, the meeting if convened on the requisition of members shall be dissolved; in any other case it shall stand adjourned and be rearranged at a date and time to be decided by the Executive Committee, provided the reconvened meeting takes place within 14 days of the original meeting; and if at the reconvened meeting a quorum of members is not present within half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting, the members then present shall be a quorum. 


8.12      The Chairperson, and failing him the Vice-Chairperson, shall preside as Chairperson at every General Meeting of the Club. 


8.13      If there is no such Chairperson, or if at any meeting he is not present within thirty minutes after the time appointed for the holding of the meeting, the members then present shall choose someone of their number who is a member of the Executive Committee to be Chairperson of the meeting, and if there shall be no Member of the Executive Committee present, then the members shall elect any one of their number to be Chairperson of the Meeting. 


8.14      The Chairperson may, with the consent of the meeting, adjourn the meeting from time to time and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at any reconvened meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place. 


8.15      Failure to comply strictly with the time limits set out in this Constitution and Rules or the non receipt of Notice of a Meeting by any persons entitled to receive notice shall not invalidate the proceedings at that meeting, but shall entitle the majority of members present to seek and be granted an adjournment of the meeting to such date by which they would be given an adequate time to be furnished with and consider the contents of any relevant documentation. 



9.1       Only Full Members, whose membership fees are paid up to date in accordance with Rule 6.2, and who are not suspended or disqualified under this Constitution and Rules or the Official Guide, shall be eligible to vote at a General Meeting. The onus shall be on the member to prove that he has paid his subscription. 


9.2       A Chairperson of a General Meeting, Executive Committee meeting or any Sub-Committee meeting shall, in the event of a tie, whether on a show of hands or on a ballot, have a casting vote in addition to his vote as a member, irrespective of whether or not he had originally voted on the issue, other than for the election to any position, when the outcome in the event of a tie shall be decided by lot. The first person chosen shall be deemed the winner of the tie. 

9.3       At any General Meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a show of hands, unless, before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands, a ballot is demanded: 

(a) by the Chairperson 

(b) by at least five members present and entitled to vote.


9.4      Unless a ballot is so demanded, a declaration by the Chairperson that a resolution has on the show of hands been carried, or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or lost, shall be final, and an entry to that effect in the book containing the minutes of proceedings of the Club shall be conclusive evidence of the fact, without proof of the number or proportion of the votes in favour of or against such resolution. 


9.5       If a ballot is so demanded, the same shall be taken in such manner as the Chairperson directs, and the result of the ballot shall be deemed to be the decision of the meeting at which the ballot was demanded. 


9.6       A Secret Ballot shall be carried out to decide the result of any contest for any elective position. 



10.1      All property owned by a Club is held upon Trust for the benefit of the Club concerned. The Trust is subject to and governed by the provisions of the Official Guide and the Code on Trusts of Property, both as amended from time to time. All such property shall be vested in the Corporate Trustee and/or a number of full members as Trustees. 

10.2      The powers of the Club in relation to Real, Personal and Intellectual Property are set out in Rule 5.2 of the Official Guide. 

10.3      The powers of the Trustees are set out in the Code in relation to Trusts of Property adopted by Central Council in accordance with Rule 5.3 (c) of the Official Guide. 



11.1      The Executive Committee shall open an Account (or additional Accounts that are approved by the Club Executive) with an approved Financial Institution on behalf of the Club, and all cheques and or electronic transfers authorised in writing drawn on the said account shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by one of either the Chairperson or Secretary. Only the Executive Committee may open account(s) on behalf of the club. 


11.2      The Executive Committee shall cause proper Books of Account to be kept in respect of: 

(a) All sums of money received and expended by the Club, and the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditures take place; and 

(b) All Sales and Purchases of goods by the Club; and 

(c) The Assets and Liabilities of the Club. 


11.3       The Books of Account shall be kept at such place or places as the Executive Committee shall think fit, and shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of the members of the Executive Committee. 


11.4      The Executive Committee shall from time to time determine whether and to what extent and at what times and places, and under what conditions and regulations, the Accounts and Books of the Club, or any of them shall be open to the inspection of Full Members of the Club not being an Executive Committee member, and no member (not being an Executive Committee Member) shall have any right of inspection of any Account or Book or Document of the Club except as authorised by the Executive Committee.


11.5      An independent suitably qualified Person or Persons shall be appointed as Accountant(s) or as Auditor(s) to report on the Accounts/Financial Statements of the Club for presentation at the Annual General Meeting. If deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee of the Club the Accounts/Financial Statements shall be audited. A copy of the Accounts/Financial Statements, as adopted and approved, shall be submitted to the County Committee within four weeks of the date of the Annual General Meeting. 


11.6      The Books and Accounts of the Club shall be presented to such Accountant(s) or Auditor(s) by the Committee in sufficient time to enable the Report of such Accountant(s) or Auditor(s) to be available and considered at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. 


11.7      The Financial Statements shall be approved by the Executive Committee, and signed by two of three Officers – Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer – on behalf of the Executive Committee. 


11.8      The Executive Committee shall cause to be prepared and laid before the Annual General Meeting an Account of Income and Expenditure and a Balance Sheet made up to a date not more than six months before such meeting. 


11.9      All Books of Account, including all documents, vouchers, statements and notes, as well as all minute books, notes of meetings, original and copy correspondence and all such documents are the property of the Club, and no person shall have any personal title to or interest in such documents to the exclusion of the Club. 


11.10    The end of the Club Financial year shall be September 30th. 


11.11    Similar provisions to the above shall apply to Clubs entitled to and availing of the provisions of Article 15 below. 



12.1      No portion of the Income and Property of the Club shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of profit, dividend, bonus or otherwise howsoever to the Members of the Club. 

12.2      No Officer shall be appointed to any Office within the Club paid by salary or fees, or receive any remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth from the Club in respect of such Office, provided however nothing shall prevent any payment in good faith by the Club of: 

(a) reasonable and proper remuneration to any Member or Officer of the Club for any services rendered to the Club (other than as an Officer); 

(b) reasonable and proper remuneration to any company of which a Member or Officer of the Club is a director or shareholder, for any services rendered to the Club; 

(c) interest at a rate not exceeding 5% per annum on money lent by Officers or other Members of the Club to the Club; 

(d) reasonable and proper rent for premises demised and let by Officers or other Members of the Club (including any Officer) to the Club; 

(e) reasonable and proper out of pocket expenses incurred by any Officer in connection with their attendance to any matter affecting the Club; 

(f) fees, remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth to any Company of which an Officer may be a member, holding not more than one hundredth part of the issued capital of such Company. 



13.1      A resolution to Wind Up a Club shall be passed only at a General Meeting, specially summoned for the purpose of such resolution, if supported by not less than three-fourths of those present, entitled to vote and voting. 


13.2      Any decision to Wind Up a Club shall be subject to the approval of the County Committee. 


13.3      If upon such Winding Up, there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatever, the same shall not be paid or distributed amongst the members, but the Trustees shall continue to hold same in trust for the appropriate County Committee of the G.A.A., to be used or disposed of as such County Committee shall direct, but shall in no instance pay or distribute such property amongst Officers, Members or Employees of the Club. 



14.1      Additions to and Amendments of this Constitution may be made at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose, providing that the Resolution proposing same is carried by a vote of three-fifths of the members present, entitled to vote and voting, that same do not conflict with the Official Guide, and that approval is given by the County Management Committee for the change(s). 

14.2      Members wishing to propose Additions to or Amendments of this Constitution must send notice of the proposed Additions or Amendments in writing to the Secretary not later than fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting, or Special General Meeting as provided by Article 8.7 hereof. 

14.3      Where appropriate, no Addition or Amendments shall be made to or in the provisions of the Main Object(s) (3), Income and Property (12) and the Winding-Up (13) Clauses in this Constitution for the time being in force, unless the same shall have been previously approved, in writing, by the relevant statutory authorities. 



15        A large City or Urban Club with major commercial and property interests may have a Club Committee Structure at variance from the standard structures outlined in this Constitution, to ensure proper organisation and governance of its commercial, property and allied financial activities. Such structure shall be subject to Club General Meetings of Full Members in- 

(a) The Appointment of Committee Members who have responsibility for commercial property and allied financial activities. 

(b) The submission for approval of Annual Reports. 

(c) Like provisions of Article 11 above being applicable, including Annual Financial Audited Accounts of the commercial, property and allied financial activities being prepared and laid before an Annual General Meeting. 

(d) The provisions of Articles 10 and 12 of this Constitution being complied with. A Club Structure, as envisaged by this Article, shall have the approval of the County Management Committee in advance of it being implemented.



16.       This Constitution shall be read in conjunction with and subject to the Official Guide. 



17.        A Club’s General Meeting of members may appoint a Committee with the sole responsibility for the Interpretation of the Club’s Constitution (with the exception of Articles 5.11.1 and 5.11.2) and of any bye-laws and regulations made herein. It shall be named - “The Club’s Interpretation of Club Constitution Committee” If the absence of the appointment by a General Meeting of members of an Interpretation of Club Constitution Committee, the Executive Committee shall by default have this responsibility. A decision of the Interpretation of Club Constitution Committee or the Executive Committee, as applicable, upon any question of interpretation, or upon any matter affecting the Club and not provided for, shall be final and binding on the members, subject to appeal to the Hearings Committee of the County Committee in accordance with the provisions of Rule 5.11.1. Beyond this, a member, or the club may exercise its right in accordance with Rule 7.13 of the Official Guide. 



18.1      A Notice may be given by the Club to any Member in accordance with Rule 4.6 of the Official Guide.


18.2      The failure to give notice of any meeting or the non-receipt of notice of a meeting by any person entitled to receive notice shall not invalidate the proceedings at that meeting. 


18.3      This Constitution shall be taken as an amendment of and in substitution for any existing Constitution of   Foxrock Geraldines Patrick Moran  G.A.A. Club as of the 24 day of February 2023

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